Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

History of Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI)

History of Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI)

Was PPNI Association Entire NURSES Indonesia, founded ON March 17, 1974. Determination That same spirit conceived by pioneering nursing NURSES that power must come ON Containers / organizations and national (fusion Dan Federation).

As a fusion Of The ADA some organizations as well as before, PPNI undergone some changes in Good Times and His name hearts shape. The Society is an embryo PPNI Velpleger Boemibatera (PKVB) which was established in 1921. Currently AT THE NURSE Profession Highly regarded by the 'community regarding THE telecoms noble hearts Caring Yang held orangutan illness. The birth of the Youth Pledge in 1928 to encourage a change in the name of The Society PKVB Being Velpleger Indonesia (PKVI). Substitution said Boemibatera Become Indonesia ON PKVI Survive Until 1942.

IN the Japanese occupation of nursing developments in Indonesia suffered a setback and is an age of darkness For those nursing Indonesia. Nursing services performed by orangutans Yang NOT Understanding the science of nursing, as well as the organization and the profession NO Definitely existence.

Together WITH Agusutus Proclamation 17, 1945, Growing Nursing Professional Organization. ADA least three organizations and professions BETWEEN Years 1945 - 1954 are:

1. Healthcare Interpreters Association of Indonesia (PDKI)

2. The Union of Islamic Rawat Interpreter (PENJURAIS)

3. Health Workers Union (SBK)

IN 1951 There was a renewal of the organization and the profession of nursing That Happened fusion organizations and professions Interpreters Association The ADA Being Healthy Indonesia (PDKI). Efforts card center as well as Profession Without organizations include Health Workers' Union (SBK) BECAUSE WITH uprising involved the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

In the time period 1951 - 1958 Congress held in Bandung WITH rename in PDKI Being Unity Health Employees in Indonesia (PPDKI) WITH Membership Not From NURSES Only. Similarly, AT Year 1959 - 1974, occurred a grouping of organizations and nursing unless the Trade Union of Health (SBK) Join Become A Professional organizations and National level WITH a name in the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI). This is The Official Name Used as a name in the Nursing Professional Organization in Indonesia to Date singer.

Since 1974 until now, PPNI Continued to strengthen steps to review the organization and profession Become The POWERFUL And Able To protect EVERY members. PPNI has overshadowed NURSE Indonesia in 33 provinces including Higher Education Institutions representing nursing And More Than 500,000 NURSE in Indonesia.

Many Steps And The Struggle has carried out a review by PPNI to make Indonesia as a NURSE NURSE The professional and recognized not only in Indonesia Alone, but Also in the international world.

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